Tuesday, February 3, 2009


every Tuesdays of the week we have this practicum class. this is where we do moot court. our professor required us to wear formal clothes or say for court hearings. some of us... yes that includes me.. abide by the dress code set by the professor. some are so so and some totally and obviously don't know what the word formal is. it's a little bit frustrating that some make an effort in putting together a formal outfit while some just wont even try to. the worst part of it is that its not being check. so why bother to strut up a good polo and a tie when nobody is checking it! however being in senior year one must know better than enter practicum class in a sloppy "get-up" yes f.y.i its a "get -up" and not an out fit. i don't care that much but it has become a little bit distracting and disturbing. rubber shoes, slippers, jeans and denim jackets???? the word is "formal" try looking it up in the dictionary may be you'll have an idea what it means! god! and oh i forget you can stare at me every time i enter the room in that way you can get tips! harsh? i think not, just feeds you know! kapish!

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